
Movie Review: Casanova

Excellent until....

The movie was great up until the end. The story was clever and becomes very intriguing with many twists. In fact, about half way through the movie, I thought "This will be one of the best movies of the new year." However, the story breaks down near the very end when the bishop captures Cassanova. Until then it is brilliant, but the ending is a bit hokey, I thought. The acting is top notch. You will like every single character. Even the bad guys are likeable in their roles. The sets and costumes are fantastic and the dialogue is very good until they use a few one liners near the end which are for a modern audience and take you out of the period. That was a bad choice, I think. After you add it all up I think most people will have a good time watching this movie. I sure did. With a few changes is could have been an oscar-worthy movie, but I think it's still worth the price of admission.
..... Ralph


Blogger Ralph & Candy said...

Hi, Park ranger

Thanks for visiting here. I guess your job is lots of fun. I used to travel a lot but never really visit any national parks in States. I will read your blog later.


10:23 PM  

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