
Movie Review: Casino Royale

The Best Bond from a non-fan of Bond Movies
by Ralph

I really liked this James Bond played by Daniel Craig. Why? Because for the first time we have a Bond that is on the edge of believability. He has a little bit of attitude. He's scrappy and tough on the outside but there's enough heart on the inside to make him human. The plot is on the edge of believability, too. The first chase scene is a little over the edge but not too far out. The rest is actually better.

I never liked the old Bond films too much because in my opinion they were stupid. James Bond was perfect, always had the right answer to any question on anything, the best clothes, cars, etc. and really had very little humanity. The women were dumb, too. Names like Pus** Galore were over the top. Last, James Bond plus his girlfriend were always left alone to suffer some elaborate death instead of a simple bullet (as implied in Austin Powers).

This movie has a reasonably good plot, great characters all the way across and sets up the future movies very well. It pokes a little fun at the old movies, too. I actually look forward to the next one. So, if you've not been big on Bond movies prior to now, this one is really worth a look. You just might like the new Bond on the block.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't even know the Bond movie is out already. Ha!
It sounds intriguing. I guess we will have to go see the new James Bond ourselves. :)

10:08 AM  

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