

Ralph is preparing the meats for the best BBQ in the world.
This is the prettiest girl in the Ciccarelli family sitting with delious BBQ dishes.


Jackpot Winner

We went to Cripple Creek last night. Guess what? We won!
This time we decided to apply for membership and gain some points.


West Point

忘了提上星期天我们去另一个城市参加西点军校的校友联谊会,一个在饭店吃早午餐的半正式聚会,很多人穿军服出席,帅气挺拔的模样,相信不亚于当年,现场有一台laptop播放学校各个角落的校景和回顾照片,其中还有一些当年及现在西点学生的口头禅和术语,Ralph边回忆边解说那些字代表的意义,有趣的是,这些军校出来的,都非常幽默,口才更是一流,在他们交谈中,我发现这群优秀的人都因为西点背景而引以为荣,大多数人在40出头退休,然后发展事业第二春,当然会来参加聚会的,都是小有成就的人。会中和一位将军简短交谈和互相介绍,Ralph说他的官阶非常高,以他的职位目前约掌管十分之一美国兵力,很可惜没带相机去照相。我问Ralph;怎么没什么你同级的人,他说跟他同级的很多都去了伊拉克。令我印象深刻的是一位女生,她家族连她共4位都是西点毕业生,她当年在学校有许多杰出表现,并获得多项全国女子运动类奖项。餐后的节目是游戏、颁奖、致词和抹彩,在全体起立唱完校歌和军歌后,整个聚会算是结束,我们没有抽到奖品,不过每个人都有一个印有west point的纪念玻璃杯。



It's 2006 325i
Its age is just 2 weeks.
Blue baby & red baby
Now Z4 get a bf. She is not lonely anymore.


BMW expert

Ralph is not only a BMW fan but also an expert. He has been working on car research for awhile. He loves driving and cars (of course, good cars), and it seems he will never run out of passion and energies on them. If you consult his opinion about cars, he probably can talk to you at least a couple hours from design, engine, equipment ...... to price and you won't miss any details ( specially BMW).

Today we went to look for a BMW car in Colorado Springs. I listened to his conversations with different dealers. I can bet his BMW knowledge is as good as the dealers. That's why I call him a BMW expert. Guess what! Ralph got his second BMW on May 21, 2005 afternoon. It's a 2006 325i. I will show you the photos tomorrow.
...... Candy


Barnes & Noble

It is one of our favorite places in Pueblo. Usually we go to this book store on Sunday afternoon if it is not raining or snowing. Actually there is no other big bookstore in town. It's a good idea to have Starbuck's in bookstore. We like to share a piece of cheese cake or Italian lemon cake with Caramel Macchiato and Latte' while reading magazines or books. We never feel tired of spending a couple hours in Barnes & Noble.


A bleeding evening

I cut my finger by accident while making food this evening. It was a deep cut and bled a lot. After 10 minutes, Ralph told me that he bit his tongue while eating Popeye's chicken. It's a big bite and bled a lot, too. What a coincidence. We both hurt ourselves. ...... Candy


Kisses & Flowers from Ralph

I got a surprise from the best looking and sexist man today. He sent me this bouquet by FedEx and thanked me for our wonderful Las Vegas trip. It's so sweet and romantic!! ..... Candy


Our Las Vegas trip

4/30 day1 --- Pueblo, Colorado to Albuquerque, New Mexico to Williams, Arizona
5/01 day2 --- Williams, Arizona to Hoover Dam to Las Vegas, Nevada
5/02 day3 --- Gambling at Wynn, KA show at MGM
5/03 day4 --- Gambling at Wynn and The Venetian
5/04 day5 --- Gambling at Wynn, Celine Dion at Caeser Palace
5/05 day6 --- Las Vegas through Utah to Grand Juction, Colorado
5/06 day7 --- Grand Juction to sweet home

We were very busy on roulette and slot machines. That's why we didn't take many photos in Las Vegas.
Anyway, we had lots of fun and great time during this trip.

Hoover Dam



The most expensive hotel in the world, 2.7 billion dollars, just opened last week.

The Venetian

We lived here but spent more time next door at Wynn.

Nice meal before gambling

Chinese people said "you won't win while you are hungry".


No matter where I travel to, I have to call my son.

I love BMW

I played slot machine for this blue Z4 every morning and night.

Go home!

I-70 in Utah
I-15 in Utah