
Chinese New Year Party

I got Ralph a cute Chinese cap then he won praise for his outfit.
...... Candy
The rest of dishes were still on the stove, however this man was there doing the model thing.
After lunch we had one table for Mah Jong and one table for Scrabble.
My HK friend, Wing Chi and her boyfriend


Movie Review: Casanova

Excellent until....

The movie was great up until the end. The story was clever and becomes very intriguing with many twists. In fact, about half way through the movie, I thought "This will be one of the best movies of the new year." However, the story breaks down near the very end when the bishop captures Cassanova. Until then it is brilliant, but the ending is a bit hokey, I thought. The acting is top notch. You will like every single character. Even the bad guys are likeable in their roles. The sets and costumes are fantastic and the dialogue is very good until they use a few one liners near the end which are for a modern audience and take you out of the period. That was a bad choice, I think. After you add it all up I think most people will have a good time watching this movie. I sure did. With a few changes is could have been an oscar-worthy movie, but I think it's still worth the price of admission.
..... Ralph


3 Brothers

Jay, Todd and Ralph Ciccarelli

Jay and his family are going to fly back to Spain tomorrow, so we went to eat at the Ciccarellis' favorite restaurant "Korean BBQ" tonight. Jay and Annette operate a cooking-holidays business in Mallorca island. http://www.cooking-holidays.com/

Actually Ralph's family is like a small UN. Jay's wife, Annette is Swedish, Todd's wife, Dolly is Philipino, Cyndi's husband, Jan is from Holland and Ralph's gf, me is Chinese from Taiwan. It's interesting, right! ...... Candy


New Year Egyptian Eve in Marriott

今年我们没有跑远,在镇上Marriott Hotel迎接新年,豪华晚餐和舞会加香槟每人50元,餐后的节目没有去年那家饭店来的精彩,不过埃及之夜这个点子营造了不少气氛,从会场布置到服务生打扮都很有趣,可惜没有客人穿着埃及服饰,大概只有Ralph打条埃及图案的领带,总之增肥后的我们拼命跳舞,玩的非常尽兴。

十、九、八 .......... 三、二、一,随着气球落下,大家拥抱亲吻。