




About shoes

A friend, Karen whom I met in Shanghai just published her first book in China--"One Person's Salsa Dance". I still remember one paragraph I read from one of her articles couple years ago. She said "A woman must have many things weighting in her mind if she has too many pairs of shoes."

I have never had too many shoes. So I could not prove her theory. However, I know it will take more time to choose if there are many pairs standing by your feet. It is similar to some men spending much time to pick a tie every morning. In other words, it does bother you when you have to make a only choice.

I always love high heels, not because I am short. Actually, I am tall enough. For me, high heels means "Sexy!" or "Gorgeous!". Sometimes it's really uncomfortable to wear high heel and stand for a long time. In spite of that I don't care how much pain my feet are in as long as I feel happy to have them on. I am so passionate about high heels. What about you? ...... Candy


Candy's home office

Ralph got me a desk this afternoon. It's a simple glass desk. Now I have my own working place at home.


I worked so hard today.


Economic Club in CO Springs

We joined an economic discussion club last night. It was formed by a friend's husband, Paul. They invited some people who are interesed in this topic to discussions once a month. The first program in this meeting was watching a video 20th century economic history. After a 2 hour video show, we had more than 2 hours of discussion. Every attendee was aggressive to speak his opinion and share a thought. It's a very interesting and knowledgeable club.


To become an appraiser

I went to real estate school in Jan. and then passed the state exam in Feb. One week ago I sent out some resume's to apply for an appraiser job. Last Friday I went to an interview and had a nice conversation with my potential boss. This evening I got his call. He decided to train me and give me a try. What a good news! I am so happy. Actually, he is one of 3 commercial appraisers in town. It's a great chance to work with a commercial appraiser which is better than a residential appraiser.

The whole process to be a commercial appraiser is: Registered Appraiser 1 year, then Licensed Appraiser 2 years, then Certified Residential 2.5 years, then Certified General.
...... Candy


Dumpling Lesson

During the blizzard, we stayed home and made dumplings. Denelle was a fast learner and made beautiful dumplings.
I was doing the easy part --- EATing


Another fund raiser party in town tonight

认识Ralph的人都知道他是个死忠Republican,我们今晚的节目是参加Pueblo County的共和党Lincoln Day募款餐会,怎么4月了还在利用林肯纪念日来募款,真是延的有点远,不过既然是这个镇共和党的事,自然就少不了Ralph,傍晚我们俩盛装打扮开着跑车到会议中心,在门口报到领取党工们早已备好的名牌,进场后和上次一样,一堆的拍卖品等着大家投标,幸好Ralph碰到一些熟人,忙着交际的他没太多时间可花在竞标上,他写了4 样东西,最后得标2项--一支二次大战的纪念笔和一张理发店的礼卷,害我捏把冷汗,真怕他标到那个175元漂白牙齿的礼卷,哈,不是我小气,我实在不愿他当“盘子”(Ralph有时候花钱像“盘子”)。



A relaxing Friday night

We invited Robert & Laurie's family over for dinner tonight. They are a nice family and also live in Pueblo West. We did have a good time together.


This man is 45 today

Happy Birthday to me!

Thanks to my mom, Jennifer. She did a great job 45 years ago.
I made this cake for Ralph. It's my first cake. ..... Candy
A small birthday gift and card from Candy. The big gift is 4 nights hotel "The Venetian" for Las Vegas trip.
Birthday balloon
We had dinner at MoMo's Japanese restaurant. This dish was a gift from the chef.


April Mood

I got lots of things done recently, my tax return, fired my attorney, filed I-751, sent out resume's for appraiser, contacted art center to teach Chinese.....etc. I feel so good after finishing all these things. I do appreciate Ralph because he helps me improve my English writing.

I remember a friend once asked me "How do you feel about living alone in this country?". What a deeply thoughtful question! Actually, I became more independent mentally and physically when I decided to live apart from my family. Of course, my mood might be up and down while struggling in a new environment or meeting another challenge but the only thing I can do is to overcome all difficulties and become stronger.

I am so lucky to have some good friends here. When I cannot find a way out, they open a door for me. When my sky is dark, they provide light. When I need a shoulder, they open their arms. When my tears are running, they hand me a tissue and say "Everything will be OK!".

Some might not be able to live without kids or parents. For me, I can't live without friendship. ...... Candy


New family activity -- Gun Shooting on Sunday

Candy's super hero, Ralph Ciccarelli

Look! I got bull's eye
Young marksman,Joshua

2 Rifles
Both weapons are 357 Magnums. Great for defense or target shooting.


Dancing night on Saturday

Last night we hung out with Japanese friend Ayami and her husband Duke again. We went to a Korean BBQ restaurant for a delious dinner first, then drove t0 Rum Bay for drinking and crazy dancing.

Rum Bay is a famous and biggest disco club in Colorado Springs. The club is split into several sections, 4 dancing areas with different music, karaoke and a blue bar with a band.

After filling our stomachs, dancing was a very good excise to help digesting. We all had a great time the whole evening and finally ended up drinking hot coffee in another fancy place. It was midnight!!


Teaching Chinese

I really like teaching and enjoy it. I started teaching Chinese here last month. My first and best student is a ENT doctor. He is not only smart but also studies hard (specially in his tight busy schedule). Now he can introduce himself in Chinese and use basic conversation. I am so proud of him.

I wish I could open a group class here in future. My new goal is to teach Chinese in Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center, Pueblo. http://www.sdc-arts.org/ ..... Candy