
New Year's Eve Celebration at Wyndham Colorado Springs

Our plan for New Year's Eve --- a party package - complete with overnight accommodations, full-course dinner and New Year's Eve party.

The New Year's Eve party begins at 7pm. Enjoy a New York-themed evening, complete with dancing, comedy, juggling, magic, and a bit of Broadway! You'll encounter a Living Statue of Liberty, strolling Black Jack dealer and magician, cigarette girls and famous Broadway tunes! Plus a balloon drop and Champagne toast at midnight.


Candy's family in Taiwan

youngest sister "Sally" and her cute son

brother in law "Kevin" and nephew
(background is a restroom)


The American calligraphy set! Between the two of us we can do calligraphy in two languages. Of course, only Candy will be able to read both of them, lol!  ... Ralph


This gift was on my wish list. Allen Lin, a friend in L.A. sent it to me. The tall wooden thing holds the brushes the same way a painter hangs his brushes to dry. The flat stone object holds the ink. The box on the right is the dry ink which has to be mixed with water on the stone to make the ink. I hope to do some beautiful Chinese calligraphy in the near future.  ... Candy


Our favorite soup

I found out one thing about my perfect man today. He has talent at cooking. I was really surprised when he made this delicious bean soup.


Cripple Creek

这个小镇是科罗拉多历史悠久的淘金老镇,现在成了小小赌城,整条街都是一间间小casino,主要以slot machine为主,少数的赌场在2楼设置几张桌子供赌扑克,有趣的是大部分的赌场都提供免费的饮料、咖啡、爆米花和甜甜圈(或热狗三明治)供赌客自行取用。当然也附设卖餐的小咖啡厅或牛排馆。

Ralph说我们昨晚在那儿享用了400元的耶诞牛排大餐,哈,其实其中300多元是输掉的。原本计划是去参加派对,但因一早接获电话得知一堆亲友生病,所以改了行程跑去Cripple Creek.



Gift for Candy

This is a surprise from Ralph because he bought me some nice gifts on Banana Republic webiste 2 nights ago.

Gift for Ralph

Ralph is very "BMW". He said he will be happy to see a BMW tattoo on my butt but I would rather send him this.

Gift -3

Gifts from lovely son-Joshua, stepbrother-Derek and younger sister-Cyndi.

Tonight's Chef

Ralph volunteers to cook the Christmas Eve dinner

Dinner is ready!

Candlelight Christmas Eve

Gifts for Christmas Party

We will bring these gifts to Todd & Dolly's family's party in Colorado Springs.


Hot Spring

到了这家温泉,果然不出我所料,停车场没几辆车,下午1点还在上班时间加上天气寒冷,应该人不多。反正最近身上没什么游泳圈,就勇敢大胆地裸一次,以免过了40岁更没种脱光衣服。停好车,喝口水,深呼吸,鼓足勇气走进入口收费处,表明是第一次来泡汤后,热心的服务员女士跟我详细说明规定,“星期二务必穿泳装,其他日子可以选择穿或不穿,不准拍照,不准 ... ...”,交完10元后心想,本以为今天星期三一定要裸体,等会儿该不会只有我一个人没穿衣服吧!(脸上出现3条线)。
The Well Hot Spring is 20 minutes west of Pueblo toward Canon city. It's a big outside swimming pool. The entry ticket is only 10 dollars. It's a special experience to enjoy the hot spring on a snowy day. There are many beautiful hot springs in Taiwan but none are like this one. If you come to visit us in Pueblo, we will take you to this hot spring.


Gift -2

Christmas gift from Ralph's parents

Gift -1

First Christmas gift from grandma and uncle

A great Christmas party

It's Candy's first time to meet Ralph's boss and colleagues at a Xmas party.
Click here to view all photos

Santa in the front yard of Dave's house

First day at work flowers

Ralph sent me card and flowers after I got a part-time job

Our family game

New game


Turkey and Man

从切火鸡看男人,我发现最性感的男人不在床上,而是在厨房里帮忙。On this Thanksgiving, I found one thing ... the sexiest man is the one who is cutting turkey in kitchen, not naked in the bed ...... Candy said.

Candy's first turkey

I am glad that I didn't burn down the kitchen






we are hungry ...

Look, the most handsome and sexiest man in Pueblo cutting turkey ...

Ralph's family

Father "Ralph" and Stepmother "Roberta"

2 handsome sons --- Daniel, Joshua

Younger brother's family --- Dolly, Todd, Cole, Alexandra

Younger sister "Cynthia" and brother in law "Jan"

Jay --- youngest brother


Ralph's baby car

About him

他毕业于西点军校,10多年前离开军队转行到医药界,在知名大药厂干了多年业务,做的很不错,卖过上百种处方药加上天天接触医生,他的疾病医药知识不亚于药剂师。出生成长于佛罗里达,在纽约念书,随着军旅工作过许多州,最后落脚科罗拉多11年。有两个不小的儿子,19岁和16岁,父子三人都交了女朋友。他个性温和,生活态度积极,对人友善大方,兴趣广泛,对政治特别狂热,有从政的梦想 .... He has lots of hobbies, movie, concert, dancing, reading, football, politics, eating good meals, staring at pretty women, computer game. He never misses any chances to have fun. He is full of passion inside like his red convertable always ready to go. I appreciate every part of him. He is a wonderful man.

Ralph -1

Ralph -2

About her

Her proper name in Lin, Li-Hsiang (Li-Xiang in Mandarin). Her main traits are cheerfulness, "can-do" attitude and lots of energy. She has no problem with an unplanned but spontaneous day. Somehow, it always turns out to be a day full of fun. She cannot stand to be inactive for even a moment unless it is watching a good movie. She can make a stock trade for a hundred shares of CSCO in between making the bed and taking a phone call from a friend. She is ALWAYS up for a good time whether it be a movie, dancing, theater or spinning the slot machine. She laughs easily...even more easily if she's had a beer or two. When she drinks even one beer she turns bright red, like a tourist with a sunburn. One of the best things is that she looooves to cook. Because of this wonderful trait, I have gained ten pounds. So, we both work out regularly, now. She sometimes gets mad, sad or upset but I have never seen it last more than half a day and it is forgotten by the next day. Most of the time, she is either having fun or preparing to have fun and succeed in life.

Candy -1

Candy -2

Candy -3

Candy -4

We like family games

Ralph said: I play to win ... I like to win

Rail Baron -1

Rail Baron -2


Royal Gorge -1

Royal Gorge -2

Snow day is hot-pot day


Snow -1