
Movie Review: Memoirs of a Geisha

Takes you far away to another place and...

I've seen the mixed but generally positive reviews by the critics. I guess it depends upon what you expect when you walk in. I think this is an all-around good to great movie. The acting could not be better. If you want some deep information on pre WWII Japan and Japanese psyche, you might be disappointed. I suspect the portrayal of geisha's is a bit sanitized. However, after viewing the movie I feel like I went away to a foreign land/culture became totally immersed in the characters' lives and I didn't really want to come back to my world at the end. For me, that's the mark of a good movie. I think you could nit-pick this movie but maybe the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. So, if you want a movie that takes you far away and puts you in someone else's life story you will really enjoy this. If you want a historic documentary and an oscar winner, you might come up a few points shy of a complete winner. I'm picky in many ways but the story, characters and visuals all worked very well for me...and I hope they do for you if you go. ....... Ralph


Movie Review: Fun With Dick and Jane

If you want light and fun, go now!

There are days when you just want to go to the movies, see a fun movie and relax. This is the perfect movie when you want something uncomplicated and entertaining; when you would just like to walk out of the movie feeling good. The plot is simple and easy to follow with one really good surprise at the end. You can take the whole family without worry to this one. I'm not a big Jim Carey fan but he and Tea Leoni (who IS a great actress) are truly perfect for this movie. If you want something deep, moving, or visually impressive you'll have to see Kong, Geisha or one of the others. I thought this was just a wonderful lighthearted fun movie. If that's what you're looking for, go get some tickets right now. You won't be disappointed. ....... Ralph

Christmas 2005

Today is a big "gift" day. Last year Ralph sent 3 months & 6 months of flowers for his family. This year he sent everybody Kobe beef. This morning we exhanged gifts with his two sons before going over to his brother's house. I bought Ralph one year of National Review and a pair of BMW gloves. Ralph got me a big "red bag" (cash) and a casino computer game. As usual he gave his sons gift cards which they always spent on games. I think everybody had fun today. ....... Candy

It's us!

We had a big X'mas meal in Ralph's younger brother's house.

Josh, Candy, Denelle & Daniel

Josh, Denelle, Ralph & Daniel



The card said "Tis the season for cheer!!! XOXO Ralph"



Pikes Peak Economics Club


每个月第二个星期四晚上PPEC固定聚会,会议在一个经济学教授家,在Colorado Springs,参与的成员有教师、律师、医师、工程师、投资经理人、业务员、家庭主妇和退休人士等来自各行各业,每次到会大约有12-15人。会议题目以美国经济为主,细至货币、自由市场经济、社会安全、税收....各类话题,大至宗教、政治与经济的关系等等。

今年四月成立到现在,我们参加了9次,就是说我们没有错过任何一场,Ralph非常热衷这个俱乐部,他的发言更是主力,我是少数女性之一,唯一的亚洲人,多半坐在那里捧着咖啡当忠实听众,然而不鸣则以一鸣惊人,上星期会议结尾前,大家热烈讨论正蓬勃发展的中国经济对美国的影响,多数人对中国政治安定持保留态度,他们担心中国政府会走回头路,当此起彼落争论时,我清清喉咙跟大家分析台湾与中国的关系,中国热的现况及市场环境。会议结束后,几个人过来个别跟我继续交换意见一直到离开,回程时Ralph对我说"you made a very good comment tonight"。


X'mas tree

In the dark
Front door



Craps is the fastest, most thrilling table game in the casino. When you pass by a noisy craps game, you can almost smell the adrenaline as the dice fly through the air. ……. from the book, Mensa Guide to Casino Gambling

这次赌城之旅,好学的我们,应该说好赌的我们特别参加casino提供的免费课程,在学会craps之前,Ralph喜欢玩轮盘而我偏好black jack,可是每每在赌场中听到最热闹、叫声最多的台子是craps,真令人亢奋,那么多人围着那张大台子,筹码推来推去,好几个dealer服务一张台子,几次观望实在看不懂这个游戏,我俩决定买书来K,我翻了几页弄不懂如何下注,Ralph倒是非常用心研究,不过他也是搞不清楚所有规则,询问casino课程时间,正好配合我们晚起的行程,决心非学会这个玩意儿不可,一个半小时由浅入深的教学,让我们完全搞明白整个游戏玩法和规矩,接下来就是实习课啦,我们摩拳搽掌迫不及待上阵磨枪,本着初学者好运,第一天下场赢了1000多块,开心呐!接下来几天我们几乎不碰其他game,已经被craps深深迷住,它的赌法变化很多,每个人的下注方法和策略也不尽相同,就看你喜欢怎么玩了。想学吗?可以来问我哦。


Our Thanksgiving Vacation


来报告一下感恩节游记吧!早在一个多月前我就说服Ralph利用感恩节假期再去一次Las Vegas,我的动机不单纯,并不是不想烤火鸡,熟悉我的人都知道我爱搞吃的,主要是不愿意烤火鸡给他儿子吃,不让他儿子有机会天天跑来粘我们,旅行是最好的解决方案,不要怪我心机重,Ralph自己也是赌徒一个,听到Las Vegas眼睛都亮了。

所有的行程在出发前一个月就全部由我搞定,找到便宜的机票加饭店,再订上三场秀,那么算是完整的赌城之旅了。这个单纯的美国人说没看过上空秀,好吧!就牺牲我要看的甄妮和黄品源演唱会,去看场一群美美的胸部跳舞,最后定案的是,Bellagio的O、Monte Carlo的Lance Burton、MGM的La Femme。从决定要去度假开始,这位老兄就到处宣扬,一个医生借给他一本书,专门介绍赌craps,他自己也在书店找了本赌博圣经,guide to Casino Gambling – winning ways,准备好好练功,大开赌戒。

感恩节当天,我们睡到中午起床,前一晚跑去看了午夜场电影,梳洗打扮整理行装后,去他弟弟家吃感恩节午晚餐。他弟弟家在Colorado Springs离机场不远,有人烤好火鸡准备了丰盛大餐,我们自然是不客气地被招待,为赌博之旅饱胃暖身,大方的我们也让他们抱着分红的希望,四点一到,我们赶忙亲嘴拥抱道谢一番,兴奋的前往机场。提到机场,我就不得不离题一下,话说安检现在很严格,雇了很多人检查,又是脱鞋,又是这个那个不能带上飞机,我们过了安检后,Ralph怕赌资不够去提款机领钱,突然间他荒荒张张的跑向垃圾桶,我急忙跟过去,看他拿出一把小刀丢掉,怎么回事啊,原来他忘了袋子里有把刀没拿起来,我说这个安检也太糟糕了,怎么没把你检查出来,我正在开玩笑数落安检,他脸色难看的瞪着我说,如果检查出来,他定会被盘问和啰嗦很久的。


晚上十点多,终于搞好check in找到房间,春宵一刻值千金,我俩快速打开行李换上幸运服,直奔casino展开第一场赌桌上的搏斗。精疲力竭小胜几十元后,决定先回房休息,隔天再战。就这样每天的固定模式,睡醒赌博,吃饱赌博,看完秀再赌博,赌得天昏地暗,赌得不食人间烟火,真是有点夸张,不过想想,能这样坚持的一直赌,也代表有胜有败,没有一下子输的精光。这次的战场遍及五个casino,前三晚住在Stratosphere,最后一晚搬到免费的Wynn,加上三个看秀的饭店,结论是我们比较喜欢在Stratosphere赌,一是赌注小,二是有赢钱。最后总结,不出我所料,我赌赢他赌输,不能不服中国人的赌博哲学啊。

这次旅行中,最大的收获是吃了道地的中国菜,喝了家乡味的珍珠奶茶,这要好好感谢新朋友Claudia,她是我在SMS认识的网友,Ralph跟着我也很enjoy和网友见面,现在他对台湾女生印象好的不得了,嗯,以后要多安排网聚。再会了,Las Vegas!
