顾名思义所演出的歌曲都选自于音乐剧, 而这场秀的组合也很有来头,乐团有Bass手、鼓手和两位轮流的key board,而这两位弹琴的夫妻档,都是大学音乐系退休的教授。演唱者有3位女士和4位男士,除了主角Patti 和另一位82高龄的Michelle,其他都来自剧团和交响乐团。Patti 拥有剧场音乐艺术博士头衔和她先生多年前都活耀于美国各地的剧院和舞台,她先生Ed导演和设计超过350处舞台作品,Patti 是Ms. Senior America 2000在白宫演唱过耶诞节歌曲,而Michelle 是Ms. Senior America 2004,虽然已经7-80岁了,看起来却只有50几,难以相信的是他们的歌声听起来像30几岁。真是很棒的表演,难怪票在10天内就卖完了。我想我会期待下一次 cabaret show and dinner at the La Renaissance。
We hang out with friends for dinner and Chinese Golden Dragon Acrobats in Pikes Peak Theatre on Friday night. We saw 2 movies on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. They were "Two for the Money" and "In Her Shoes". Both were good but we liked "In Her Shoes" better. It's a deeply thoughtful movie and more realistic characters in the story. Of course we did the usual, buttered popcorn and cherry Coke.
The weather turned a little cold during the weekend. It's a good time to have a cup of hot tea and relax at home. Ralph always says "Where's my weekend gone!", "I wish I had a 3-day weekend!" and "Why do my weekends go so fast!"
Pikes Peak Theatre is one of our favorite places. We went there for the season opening concert on Sat. night.The program was Verdi's Requiem. This concert was performed by the Colorado Springs Philharmonic Orchestra, a local chorus and four soloists, and conducted by Lawrence Smith. We not only enjoyed the great music but also the theatre atmosphere. It is hard to describe the good feelings. Anyway, I just felt my soul was satisfied after the concert.
P.S. We had a nice meal in a Vietnamese restaurant before the concert. Ralph really loved the beef noodle soup and a sweet dessert with a cup of strong Vietnamese coffee.